What is Trek?
Trek is a special Stake Youth Conference where participants experience a 3 day reenactment of a pioneer handcart trek.
What is the purpose of Trek?
Trek will help us appreciate the faith, obedience, perseverance, and sacrifice of early Mormon pioneers. We will learn from the past to gain strength and courage for the future.
When will Trek be held?
Trek will be held Mon - Wed, June 6-8, 2022.
What pre-Trek and post-Trek events are being planned?
Please take a look at the Important Dates page for a list of all Trek events.
Where is the Trek being held?
Trek will be held at Mosida Trek Site near Utah Lake.
Who can participate in Trek?
The Midas Creek Stake Pioneer Trek of 2022 is for all youth living within the Midas Creek Stake boundaries between the ages of 14 and 18. Those who turn 14 in 2022 and those who turn 19 and graduate from high school in 2022 are included in this definition.
Can the youth bring friends on the Trek?
Please contact the Trek Bosses, Scott and Mindy Taylor at 801-651-8695.
Can any adult in the stake go on Trek who wants to go?
Pioneer Treks are stake activities for the youth. There are a limited number of individuals that can go on the Trek due to the cost and large size of our group. For this reason, only the adult leaders that have received a specific assignment or invitation will be going on the Trek.
What is the registration deadline?
The deadline for Trek registration is April 15. To register for Trek please go to the registration page HERE and follow the instructions.
How will we get to and from the trek location?
The Stake Trek Committee will arrange with Ward Leaders to coordinate transportation for all youth and adult leaders to and from the Trek location.
How far will we be walking each day?
Trek participants will be trekking and pulling a handcart 5 – 8 miles each day.
Can I attend only part of the Pioneer Trek, or leave and come back, if necessary?
We highly encourage a full time commitment from all trekkers to gain all they can from this experience. However, we understand there may be extenuating circumstances that will be approved on a case by case basis. Please contact the Trek Bosses, Scott and Mindy Taylor at 801-651-8695.
What medical provisions are going to be provided?
There will be a team of 6-8 physicians, nurses and EMT's on the Trek who are dedicated to medical surveillance and treatment.
A medical tent will be set up at each camp.
Anyone taking prescription medication is responsible to bring, store and take them as prescribed. Please notify us if you need assistance on the online registration form.
Medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, antacids, and so forth will be available from the medical team or at the medical tent.
Please fill out any medical concerns fully on the online registration. When needed, someone from the medical team will reach out to you individually for any clarifications and to address any concerns.
Why do we need to fill out and turn in a registration and Medical Release Form?
We need to know who is going for accountability purposes and food preparation.
Medical and appropriate personnel need to be aware of specific medical needs in order to be prepared.
Medical provisions are limited by the location and logistics of the Trek.
We need a commitment from each youth to behave in a way that will allow everyone on Trek to learn and grow in a safe and respectful environment. Parents and participants should understand that participation in an activity is not a right but a privilege that can be revoked if they behave inappropriately or if they pose a risk to themselves or others.
What is a “Trek Family”?
Each young man or young woman will be assigned to a Trek Family. The bishops in the stake have prayerfully selected “Ma’s and Pa’s” from each ward. These individuals will lead your family for the duration of the Trek. Other members of your Trek Family will be other young men and young women from the different wards throughout the stake. There will be 8 to 12 members in each family.
What will we eat?
Trek participants will be provided with snacks and three meals each day including good and healthy food.
If a trekker has significant food allergies, please make sure to note that on their online registration and the Trek Food Committee will coordinate with parents.
What about bathroom facilities?
Portable bathrooms will be available while trekking and at the camp sites.
What are the sleeping accommodations?
Each trek family will have tents assigned to their family.
Girls and boys will sleep in separate tents.
Each participant will bring their own sleeping bag, blanket, pillow, and pad, if desired.
Will there be plenty of water?
Each handcart will have sufficient water for drinking and washing hands.
There will NOT be water for washing hair or bathing.
Is dehydration a concern?
Yes it is. Numerous breaks will be taken while trekking to drink water.
It is critical each trekker have a water bottle that they drink and refill often.
Drink at least 8 to 10 ounces of water at every break. You will feel stronger and much better.
Why are electronic devices not allowed?
This is a tremendous opportunity to get out of the world and worldly influences.
This allows for better opportunities to feel the Spirit in our lives.
It allows for better interaction with family members and other Trek participants.
Why should we use glasses instead of contact lenses?
The wind always blows in this region. Dust and debris in the air is common.
Where can I get the pioneer clothing?
Trek participants are responsible for obtaining their own Trek clothing. (See the "Trek Clothing" section on this website for more information.)
Deseret Industries and Savers are great places to find inexpensive clothing that meets the requirements. Don’t wait until the last day to obtain the clothing.
Borrow clothing from others who have been on Trek.
Patterns for bonnets and aprons can be found online.
Wards can coordinate activities to make some clothing items.
How much does Trek cost?
Trek only costs a little preparation and a positive attitude.
Why do we need a 5 gallon bucket?
Trekkers will pack belongings into their buckets.
Buckets are also used A LOT as your chair on Trek. Many trekkers put a cushion with elastic onto the tops of their buckets. Wards may choose to make these cushions and covers for an activity.
Get your bucket EARLY as many stakes and wards will be doing Treks this summer and some stores run out.
Snap on/off lids work but a screw top lid is easier to use on Trek.
Check IFA, Lowes or Home Depot. At IFA, buckets run about $10 for a bucket with a snap on lid and $15 total for a bucket with a screw on lid.
What will we be doing other than trekking?
Pioneer story telling
Morning devotionals
Family Home Evenings
Testimony Meeting
Square Dancing
Pioneer games/activities