The Midas Creek Stake is organizing a Strengthening Marriage course and facilitated study groups that will utilize course materials developed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to help strengthen marriages and bring more spiritual and temporal blessings into your life.

We will be organizing groups in the spring and fall to study the following topics (with the exception of Life Skills which will be part of youth activities throughout the Stake):

These workbooks have been prepared to help us learn and better put into practice principles of faith, education, hard work, and trust in the Lord. The Lord said, "All things unto me are spiritual, and not at any time have I given you a law which is temporal" (D&C 29:34).

Everyone can benefit from from participating in these study groups and practicing the principles taught in these courses.


Self-Reliance Groups are lead by facilitators, not instructors.  Each week, over a period of 10 to 12 consecutive weeks, group participants make individual goals.  Each lesson contains five sections where participants:


Evaluate their effort and report on their progress to the group.  They share things they have learned from practicing new skills and habits.


Learn and put into practice principles of faith, education, hard work, and trust in the Lord. Each week participants review a basic principle that will be a blessing their lives.


Read, discuss, and practice new ideas and skills that will help them in the temporal or emotional aspects of their lives.


Spend time pondering what they have learned and seek personal guidance from the Lord to identify ways to improve.


Commit to practice the new skills and habits they learned and discussed.

Between classes, participants are invited to act on their individual commitments made during the classes.  Every member of the Stake can benefit by participating in these self-reliance groups and practicing the spiritual and temporal principles that are taught.  It helps participant receive inspiration for that will help them individually….to learn the Lord’s will for them.  If you are interested, please plan on committing to participate in all of the lessons.  This is truly an inspired program. 

The South Jordan Midas Creek Stake will generally plan to organize study groups twice per year:

However, additional groups can be formed at any time if there is interest or the need.  If you are not able to participate in one of the next scheduled Self-Reliance Groups, please send an e-mail to and someone from the Stake Self-Reliance Committee will contact you.